
Monday, January 30, 2006

Well, hello again!

So much to tell! I had to reformat my computer in December, thus losing all my Firefox passwords/cookies. So I couldn't remember my Blogger password. Actually it turns out what I forgot was my username not my password.

Anyway...here's some news. I'll try to make it short and sweet.
  • Christmas season went well, with a pulled-out-of-posterior spectacular performance by the choir, and a loss of sleep for me that I didn't recover from for days.
  • January has slipped by somehow... just like every month. I think it's just a consequence of getting older.
  • I got a new job! I start work on Wednesday (2/1). It's a contract job through TEK Systems who I've done work for throughout the fall. It'll be a web development position, primarily, with Kansas City Kansas Community College. The official title is E-Portfolio Educational Specialist. So not only will I be involved with programming and administration and whatnot, I'll be involved with training and assisting students with the system.
  • The choir concert is rescheduled for April 30. I'm not sure if we can even make that date, but it's MUCH more realistic than February 26.
  • Elizabeth and I thought about moving, but had to decide too quickly, and in the end, it was probably best to decide to stay. But in the process, I got intimately familiar with KC craigslist.
  • Elizabeth gave me a new car stereo for Christmas (or rather offered to pay for one I would pick out). In the words of Ericus, it is SO NICE.