Cat woes
Well, we've had Fiona home nearly a week in one form or another. We still can't figure why she continues to vomit. Both medicines that the vet gave us for nausea are ineffective. Personally, I think it's gas and not nausea that makes her vomit, but what do I know?
Either way, I'm awful tired of cleaning up cat vomit. Mom, I think I WILL borrow your Rug Doctor.
Well I'm off to a computer job so here's some random entertainment for those of you who are fans.

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -
Either way, I'm awful tired of cleaning up cat vomit. Mom, I think I WILL borrow your Rug Doctor.
Well I'm off to a computer job so here's some random entertainment for those of you who are fans.

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -