
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Twist on Mad Libs

On the way home tonight, I saw one of those placards that people sometimes have framing their license plates. This one said "Choose Life" on top and "Pray for an end to abortion" on the bottom. I thought it fitting that it was a KS license plate this thing was framing.

Whether you agree with the politics of the placard, the structure (succintness, effectiveness) of the slogan is great. Good enough that it warrants it's own "mad lib":

Choose _______ ... Pray for an end to ________.

Here's some of my suggestions:

thoughtfulness ... stupidity
love ... intolerance
Pepsi ... Coke (this one's for Eric)
F.O.S.S. ... Microsoft
piracy ... RIAA (or the converse if that's the way you swing)
breathing ... cigarettes
HBO ... WB

etc. etc. etc., ad nausem.

Feel free to post your own, anonymously if you prefer.