
Monday, April 17, 2006

FlexTimes update

I just committed a critical update to the FlexTimes plugin. Apparently, the logic in datetime_column was flawed and would only parse datetimes for the last column in the list. That flaw has been remedied.

Also, I added a :minute_step => anInteger option so you can provide users with minute intervals within the hour, rather than all 60 options.

Remember when you use this plugin that it "takes over" all of the instance-var helpers, i.e. datetime_select, date_select, time_select. For any field that uses one of these helpers, you will have to use datetime_column in the model. It also "takes over" select_hour and select_minute and provides select_ampm.

I will be investigating in the future how we might use Rails' builtin multiparameter attribute parsing, but in the meantime, you'll have to use the declaration.

If you want my demo/testing code, check out the branches/test_application section in the repository.